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Skal du købe en gave? Hængekøje - altid en kreativ og opfindsom gaveidé, til ham, hende eller børnene, skønt udviklende legetøj for børn. Gaven til ham der har alt. Hængekøjen til hende der altid har drømt om en hængekøje. En hængekøje er en skøn positiv gave til en kollega.

Gaveidéer til ham og hende

Gaveidéer til børn og unge

Gaveidéer til kollega og fødselsdage.

Brugskunst.dk Inspiration, Tips & Idéer

På brugskunst.dk er der et gigantisk udvalg af hængekøjer. Hængekøjen til mange formål. De mexicanske hængekøjer er meget smidige og behagelig at ligge i. Da nettet i de mexikanske hægnekøjer tilpasser sig dig. En mexikansk hængekøeje er håndvævet. Mange rygsæk rejsende har ofte en mexicansk hængekøje i rygsækken, da det er en billig og enkel overnatnings form. Mange har den også med på en kanotur eller ferie rejse. Du kan få mosquito net til hængekøjer. Har du en pressing kan den også anvendes som et hængekøje telt over hængekøjen. Det meget fravestrålende stof i de mexicanske tæpper er lavet af, er også behageligt til picnic ture og camping. Mange bruger også de mexicanske tæpper som en dug fra Mexico eller et Mexico sengetæppe eller forhæng.
Hængestole er også meget populærer, når der kun er et stort træ i haven er den perfekt hængende fra en gren i træet. Mange bruger også en hængekøjestol til kreativ boligindretning. Og der bliver indrettet en skøn hyggeplads mellem designer møbler etc. En Siddehængekøje er uden træstokke, og de to stropper sættes op som var det en hængekøje. De bliver til en lækker siddestol og er perfekt steder der ikke er meget plads. Siddehængekøjen fungerer både som gyngestol og liggestol. Den er også en perfekt havestol, og enhver baby elsker disse gyngende havestole. 
Nyt til haven
Har du brug for noget nyt til haven, så få fat i en kæmpe hængekøje, den giver en masse kreative lege og kan hurtigt blive en vidunderlig brugshave og sommerferien kommer måske til at foregår i haven i stedet for i en hængekøje på hvide strande. Hængekøjemanden fra hængekøje marked tropical har ihvertfald før hørt dette.
Slappe af
Det helt store formål med en hængekøje er jo muligheden for at slappe af og nyde livet, velvære og en måde af forkæle sig selv og dine omgivelser. Så har du brug for en god gave. Så er en wellness hængekøje en fantastisk gaveidé, - dejligt positivt at give og få. Hængekøje manden fra tropical hængekøje fortæller at et af de helt store gavehit er en hængekøje, og de store hængekøjer er lækre til velvære og forkælelse. Mange giver gaver så hvorfor ikke få købt noget at det mange altid går og drømmer om.
En hængekøje på efterskoler er populærer med det er sækkestole og sækkepuder også, hvor de ofte bruges i et lounge område. En sækkepude er rigtige naturlige efterskole
møbler der giver den ultimative siddeoplevelse.
Mange hængekøjer har været udstillet  i Vorbasse, Sommeroase, Formland, Århus, Odense, Roskilde, København og på Valdemar Slot. Har du haft muligheden for at være på en af disse livsstilsmesser. Har du nok også kunnet drømme dig hen til den rette feriestemning i en hængekøje.
Opsætning af hængekøje.
Har du brug for tips og ideer til hvordan hængekøjen bliver sat op, så har hængekøjemannen produceret flere hængekøje videoer på youtube under hængekøjekaj der fortæller og giver en enkelt vejledning om opsætning af hængekøjer.
En hængekøje der skal hænge ude er det vigtigt at have overvejet materiale. Selvfølgelig kan hængekøjerne tåle vind og regn, men skal de hængekøje meget ude er outdoor hængekøje i PRO stof til hængekøjer og Coated bomulds net hængekøjer at foretække. De er ligeså behagelige hængekøjer, men regn kan ikke trænge ind i textil fibren. Hængekøjer er til udebrug, men der er forskel på kvalitet.  
Mayahængekøjer - de mexicanske hængekøjer styrker sanserne og motorikken. Mange der bruger hængekøjens helbredende gyngen til optræning vedr. apopleksi og indlæring samt sansetræning og motorik. En maya hængekøje er det samme som de mexicanske hængekøje, men ordet maya hængekøje er af mange brug i sammenhæng med apoplexi træning.
Inspiration, tips og ideer
En hængekøje er et elsket møbel og legetøj for børn og baby. En hængekøje i børneværelset eller i haven er et kreativ legeredskab som mange børn kender fra intitutioner, og så vil de også gerne have en derhjemme. Få fat i en dobbel hængekøje eller familiehængekøje de nemlig brede og egner sig godt til alle i familien og børns sjove leg. Dobbelt hængekøjer fås i farvekombinationer og ensfarvet blå, sort, hvid, beige og grønne farver alt efter hvad I mest er til.
La Siesta Tropical
Brasilianske hængekøjer er det mest naturlige til en middagslur og glemme alt om stress. Det er textil hængekøjer i fast stof. Net-hængekøjer kommer primært fra Mexico og det er 100% håndvævede hængekøjer i fint net uden knuder. En Brazil hængekøjer også håndfremstillet men stoffet i hængekøjen er maskinfremstillet. 
På engelsk hedder en hængekøje hammock og hammocks. I Norge kaldes den hengekøye og hengekøyer. I Sverige hedder den hängmatta og hängmattor og Tyskland er navnet hängematte og hängematten. 
Det var vist lidt af hvert om hængekøjer og håber du har en hængekøje til din have med en masse dejlige oplevelser.
Fabric hammock Guatemalamix with spreader bars in fashion stripes. No. T542
Item no. Tm542rl80

Fabric hammock Guatemalamix with spreader bars in fashion stripes. No. T542

87 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Beautiful great color combinations in fabric. Full of happy colors.
79,00  EUR
 Double hammock
Item no. M4AS0210-Mexico

Hammock from Mexico in fine cotton net - Double hammock No. 6

183 (Shipping within 1-2 days)
Mexican hammock Suitable for a couple. Great fun for the kids and a relaxing hangout for all the family.
Cotton Hammock with nylon arms - the original type of mayan hammocks.
149,00139,00  EUR
Retro Fabric hammock. No. C145r
Item no. C145r

Retro Fabric hammock. No. C145r

497 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Hammock in nice soft cotton in a retro look.

Beautiful striped cotton hammock.
Product Specifics:
- Size: 1,60 x 2,30 cm
- Total length: 3,40 cm
- Charming lifestyle in a retro look
The RETRO Hammock - Brazilian one or two persons hammock
70,00  EUR
 Double hammock
Item no. 4

Hammock from Mexico in fine cotton net - Double hammock No. 4

181 (Shipping within 1-2 days)
Mexican hammock Suitable for a couple. Great fun for the kids and a relaxing hangout for all the family.
Cotton Hammock with nylon arms - the original type of mayan hammocks.
119,0099,00  EUR
 Double hammock
Item no. 4M-natur-gron

Hammock from Mexico in fine cotton net - Double hammock No. 4

180 (Shipping within 1-2 days)
Mexican hammock Suitable for a couple. Great fun for the kids and a relaxing hangout for all the family.
Cotton Hammock with nylon arms - the original type of mayan hammocks.
99,0089,00  EUR
 Double hammock
Item no. 4M-natur-vinrod

Hammock from Mexico in fine cotton net - Double hammock No. 4

182 (Shipping within 1-2 days)
Mexican hammock Suitable for a couple. Great fun for the kids and a relaxing hangout for all the family.
Cotton Hammock with nylon arms - the original type of mayan hammocks.
109,0095,00  EUR
 Double hammock
Item no. M4AS0210

Hammock from Mexico in fine cotton net - Double hammock No. 4

172 (Shipping within 1-2 days)
Mexican hammock Suitable for a couple. Great fun for the kids and a relaxing hangout for all the family.
Cotton Hammock with nylon arms - the original type of mayan hammocks.
99,9595,00  EUR
hammock G8
Item no. G8

King Size DeLuxe Hammock G8

480 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A lifestyle hammock. Our most popular! G8 hammock is hand-woven from extra durable cotton net and especially designed for and available ONLY from Tropical Hammocks.
Hammock of Durable Cotton net from Mexico. For wellness and total relaxation, suitable for adult and child. King Size Deluxe Hammock No. G8 good for leisure.

169,00149,00  EUR
Item no. G8-Natural

King Size DeLuxe Hammock G8

366 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A lifestyle hammock. Our most popular! G8 hammock is hand-woven from extra durable cotton net and especially designed for and available ONLY from Tropical Hammocks.
Hammock of Durable Cotton net from Mexico. For wellness and total relaxation, suitable for adult and child. King Size Deluxe Hammock No. G8 good for leisure.

179,00159,00  EUR
Fabric hammock Guatemalamix with spreader bars in fashion stripes. No. T542
Item no. T542/80

Fabric hammock Guatemalamix with spreader bars in fashion stripes. No. T542

87 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Beautiful great color combinations in fabric. Full of happy colors.
85,00  EUR
Retro Fabric hammock. No. C145r
Item no. Fs146r

Retro Fabric hammock. No. C145r

496 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Hammock in nice soft cotton in a retro look.

Beautiful striped cotton hammock.
Product Specifics:
- Size: 1,60 x 2,30 cm
- Total length: 3,40 cm
- Charming lifestyle in a retro look
The RETRO Hammock - Brazilian one or two persons hammock
70,0049,00  EUR
Brasilazy Bean Bag PINK
Item no. BR25

Brasilazy Bean Bag PINK

20 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Brasilazy Bean Bag 140 x 180 cm
Size: 140 x 180 cm
Filling of the real KROEYER balls
335,00199,00  EUR
AQUA Green Hammock with 80 cm spreader bars
Item no. T593

AQUA Green Hammock with 80 cm spreader bars

97 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Fabric hammock with 80 cm spreader bars in the colors turquoise, blue and green.
- Lying area 2.20 x 1.45 meters
- Total length 3.45
- Max weight 170 kg.
79,00  EUR
AQUA Green Hammock with 80 cm spreader bars
Item no. TTp593-62-80

AQUA Green Hammock with 80 cm spreader bars

96 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Fabric hammock with 80 cm spreader bars in the colors turquoise, blue and green.
- Lying area 2.20 x 1.45 meters
- Total length 3.45
- Max weight 170 kg.
79,00  EUR
Brasilazy Bean Bag RED
Item no. BR35

Brasilazy Bean Bag RED

20 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Brasilazy Bean Bag Chair
Color: RED

Size: 140 x 180 cm
Filling of the real KROYER balls

Outdoor Brasilazy
335,00  EUR
Decorative lifestyle fabric hammock with beautiful edgings. BR401 / 85406
Item no. R001-1

Decorative lifestyle fabric hammock with beautiful edgings. BR401 / 85406

84 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Decorative fabric hammock with elegant edgings in 100% cotton. One color: natural white. The big hammocks with elegant edgings and fringes are decorative and charming handicrafts.
179,00149,00  EUR
AQUA Green Hammock
Item no. FGp593

AQUA Green Hammock

100 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
hammock in turquoise, blue and green.
- Lying area 2.20 x 1.45 meters
- Total length 3.50
- Max weight 180 kg.
- 100% new Cotton
Single Plus Hammock
83,0067,00  EUR
Hammock chair Trutti Frutti
Item no. DvtQ1146r

Hammock chair Trutti Frutti

94 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A beautiful, comfortable and elegant hammock chair for the living room and garden. In great color combinations, which have been carefully selected and improved.
Quality hammock chair in exciting brilliant colors.

Popular hammock chair. Trutti Frutti hanging chair in fabric - THE ONE YOU SIMPLY MUST HAVE!
119,0089,00  EUR
Item no. G8-Vino

King Size DeLuxe Hammock G8

376 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A lifestyle hammock. Our most popular! G8 hammock is hand-woven from extra durable cotton net and especially designed for and available ONLY from Tropical Hammocks.
Hammock of Durable Cotton net from Mexico. For wellness and total relaxation, suitable for adult and child. King Size Deluxe Hammock No. G8 good for leisure.

169,00129,00  EUR
Off-white hammock chair. No. 43-NI
Item no. 43-NI

Off-white hammock chair. No. 43-NI

70 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Off-white hammock chair. No. 43-NI
Net hammock chair, a specialty all by itself. Unique, yet simple, hanging chair with one suspension point. A
cozy spot, comfortable, offering a sense of total well-being.
A popular sitting hammock.
139,00119,00  EUR
Hammock chair Guatemalamix with 2 wonderfull pillows
Item no. Dvc542-ALM542

Hammock chair Guatemalamix with 2 wonderfull pillows

92 (Shipping within 1-4 days)
A beautiful, comfortable and elegant hammock chair for the living room and garden. In great color combinations, which have been carefully selected and improved.
Quality hammock chair in exciting brilliant colors.

Popular hammock chair. Guatemala hanging chair in fabric - THE ONE YOU SIMPLY MUST HAVE!
149,00135,00  EUR
Decorative hammock from Nicaragua with Beautiful decorations with nice details No. 24
Item no. 24

Decorative hammock from Nicaragua with Beautiful decorations with nice details No. 24

87 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Deko Park DeLuxe hammock from Nicaragua no. 24. Of strong woven cotton netting with fine handmade borders and decorations and with cross sticks. Romantic escape for the garden, the house and outdoor life. Dreams can take flight in this hammock for a relaxing lifestyle with an artistic flair.
275,00  EUR
Hammock with 80 cm wooden spreader bars in colorful fabrics. No. T556
Item no. T556/80

Hammock with 80 cm wooden spreader bars in colorful fabrics. No. T556

298 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Colorful fabric hammock with 80cm wooden spreader bars. Hammock with beautiful stripes!
Mexican Pink Design.
99,0095,00  EUR
Hammock chair Guatemalamix.
Item no. D542

Hammock chair Guatemalamix.

94 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A beautiful, comfortable and elegant hammock chair for the living room and garden. In great color combinations, which have been carefully selected and improved.
Quality hammock chair in exciting brilliant colors.

Popular hammock chair. Guatemala hanging chair in fabric - THE ONE YOU SIMPLY MUST HAVE!
119,0089,00  EUR
Mexico Green Hammock Chair in colorful fabric DVT555
Item no. Dvt555

Mexico Green Hammock Chair in colorful fabric DVT555

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Hanging Chair in fabric inspired by Mexico's colorful textiles.
109,0095,00  EUR
Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm
Item no. VTQ592-21-160-Pillow

Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm

96 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Exclusive design Rio Preto. Wide fabric hammock with 140 cm wide wooden sticks
Fabric 165 x 230 cm with a total length of 3.85 cm.

Extremely spacious and comfortable hammock, amazingly wide bed comfort.
Wooden stick 140 cm FSC approved and certified wood.

Hammock in strong colored cotton fabric.

Also suitable for Hammock stands.
219,00  EUR
Black Fabric Hammock with wood sticks
Item no. TR-AMFH-india

Black Fabric Hammock with wood sticks

97 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Trendy Black Hammock fabric in cotton with 78 cm wide wooden sticks.
95,00  EUR
AQUA Green Hammock
Item no. C593

AQUA Green Hammock

97 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
hammock in turquoise, blue and green.
- Lying area 2.20 x 1.45 meters
- Total length 3.50
- Max weight 180 kg.
- 100% new Cotton
Single Plus Hammock
83,0067,00  EUR
Black Fabric Hammock with 118 cm solid wood sticks
Item no. TR-AMFH

Black Fabric Hammock with 118 cm solid wood sticks

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Trendy Black Hammock fabric in cotton with 118 cm wide wooden sticks.
95,00  EUR
Black Fabric Hammock with wood sticks
Item no. T360.21r/118

Black Fabric Hammock with wood sticks

97 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Trendy Black Hammock fabric in cotton with 78 cm wide wooden sticks.
95,00  EUR
Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm
Item no. V592.21

Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Exclusive design Rio Preto. Wide fabric hammock with 140 cm wide wooden sticks
Fabric 165 x 230 cm with a total length of 3.85 cm.

Extremely spacious and comfortable hammock, amazingly wide bed comfort.
Wooden stick 140 cm FSC approved and certified wood.

Hammock in strong colored cotton fabric.

Also suitable for Hammock stands.
129,00  EUR
Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm
Item no. TR-TEXT-BRZ

Rio Preto Fabric hammock with spreader bars of 140 cm

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Exclusive design Rio Preto. Wide fabric hammock with 140 cm wide wooden sticks
Fabric 165 x 230 cm with a total length of 3.85 cm.

Extremely spacious and comfortable hammock, amazingly wide bed comfort.
Wooden stick 140 cm FSC approved and certified wood.

Hammock in strong colored cotton fabric.

Also suitable for Hammock stands.
129,00  EUR
Hammock in striped fabric with spreader bars. No. T160.0
Item no. T160.0/80

Hammock in striped fabric with spreader bars. No. T160.0

94 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Well-known decorative hammock in cotton fabric with cross spreader bars in many color combinations.
89,0079,00  EUR
GRINGA hammock in black
Item no. 40-18-sort

GRINGA hammock in black

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
A hammock out of the ordinary as you can lay both longitudinally, crosswise and diagonally, even though there are the widespread cross sticks. American hammock with crossbar, made of heavily soft cotton thread.
199,00185,00  EUR
Natural white hammock from Mexico in fine cotton
Item no. 4-naturhvid

Natural white hammock from Mexico in fine cotton

87 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Popular hammock over generations. Hammock in family size No. 4 and natural white, from Mexico in a nice smooth cotton net for the whole family. You can lay across, longitudinally and diagonally in this hammock.

Hammock No. 4 Size Large - Family Size. Especially suitable for families. Fun for kids and fun for the whole family. Create your own unique hyggeoase in the garden or in your home. The hammock creates unique well-being and plenty of good experiences for the children. A really good hammock for 1 person who just wants to relax. At the same time, there is also the hammock with plenty of space to be 3-4 people at one time, with the accompanying pleasures, laughs, parties and colors or just relaxing.
119,0095,00  EUR
GRINGA DECO - American Comfort Hammock
Item no. 40-18-DECO

GRINGA DECO - American Comfort Hammock

48 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
American hammock with spreader bars, made of heavily soft cotton thick cord. Now with the exclusive fine handmade border, which makes the hammock beautiful and inviting, but surely every dream comes true to be absolutely extraordinarily fantastic in a hammock. Here you just grab the very kind of smooth and comfortable hammock. Buy it right away and you will be surprised. You can lay longitudinally, crosswise and diagonally, and there is room for more.
Total lengths 4,4 meter
349,00  EUR
Siesta Mexicana - Family Hammock EXTRA No. G6 - Off White
Item no. G6-naturhvid

Siesta Mexicana - Family Hammock EXTRA No. G6 - Off White

83 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
This Mexican Net Hammock.
Offers everything a hammock must have, flexibility, wideness, comfort, relaxation, and suitable for
the kids play and recreation.
Suitable for 1-4 persons. Great hammock for adults that can also accommodate 3-4 kids playing!
125,0099,00  EUR
Big Mexican plaids. No. 110
Item no. 110

Big Mexican plaids. No. 110

200 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
The Mexican plaids are well known at any Mexican restaurant. Use the plaids as a table cloth, cupboard curtain, wall decoration, picnic plaid, beach towel, and as a sofa plaid. Size 160 x 210 cm.
75,0069,00  EUR
Colorful Mexican plaid. No. DSC00958-Blue
Item no. DSC00958-blue

Colorful Mexican plaid. No. DSC00958-Blue

98 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Charming colorful fabric. Fresh and happy colors for interior and as handicraft. Classic Mexican plaids in colorful shades with blue as base color.
59,00  EUR
Mexican blue fabric hammock with wide spreading wooden bar of 140 cm. INKA LOOK. No. V543
Item no. V543

Mexican blue fabric hammock with wide spreading wooden bar of 140 cm. INKA LOOK. No. V543

99 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Wide fabric hammock with 140cm wide wooden spreader bars in a INKA LOOK.
Charmingly beautiful and comfortable hammock.
Fits also perfectly the hammock stand: Hammock stand - Big hammock stand for all sizes and hammock frame Tropical (Wooden).
165,00  EUR
Deco Park hammock with speader bars - NICA double hammock. No. 22
Item no. 22-natur

Deco Park hammock with speader bars - NICA double hammock. No. 22

100 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
Crocheted borders, tassels, nicely and elegantly made. A real dream hammock that fits 1-2 persons. Exclusive for the low price. Material is cotton.
Nicaraguan hammock comes in the following colors: off-white, two-colored and color combinations.
Flexible and elegant woven cotton net with many details and decorations. Nice handicraft. A unbelievably comfortable hammock for a great decorative lifestyle. Great for the house and for the garden. Hammocks from Nicaragua with unique, beautiful details in the best handwoven hammock quality.

179,00  EUR
Hammock chair Guatemalamix
Item no. Dvt542r

Hammock chair Guatemalamix

91 (Shipping within 1-5 days)
A nice, comfortable and elegant hammock chair for living room and garden. In beautiful color composition. There is work on the colors.
Guatemala hammock chair in fabric - IT MUST ME OWN!
89,0089,00  EUR


Tropical Europe ApS
cvr. 33356579
Skindergade 15
1159 Copenhagen K
T. +4531684467 info@hammocks.shop
