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Hammock with cross sticks in blue-white striped fabric. No. T203r

Hammock with cross sticks in blue-white striped fabric. No. T203r
Item no. T203
Maritime look, blue-white striped fabric. Great wide fabric hammock with the classic rounded cross sticks.
Choose a very popular striped fabric hammock in a maritime look!
 (Shipping within 1-3 days)
85,0069,00  EUR
Product Description
Product Specifics:
Rounded cross stick in wood: 80 cm wide
Fabric in cotton: 150 cm wide
Fabric in cotton: 220 cm long
Total length of the hammock: 340 cm

Look here for the very popular striped fabric hammock with wooden spreader bars in a maritime look!
Very popular striped fabric hammock in a maritime look!
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Tropical Europe ApS
cvr. 33356579
Skindergade 15
1159 Copenhagen K
T. +4531684467 info@hammocks.shop
